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About Georgia

Degree qualified Naturopath (BHSc Naturopathy)

Registered with Australian Natural Therapists Association (ANTA)

Based in Adelaide, South Australia



Having grown up in a family who were always inclined to deal with health in a holistic way, I became interested in nutrition and natural health care very quickly. 


It was through struggling with my own digestive health, unable to find any clear answers or relief from conventional medical care, that I sought out care from a Naturopath. My practitioner was there to listen, willing to get to the bottom of things and ready to explore some non-invasive testing and treatment protocols. Most importantly, my Naturopath did not dismiss my discomfort just because it did not fit into the diagnostic criteria for a disease.


After completing my Bachelor of Health Science in Naturopathy at Endeavour College I came to understand that Naturopathic health care in conjunction with conventional medicine really provides the most comprehensive and effective care for the whole person. Because I fell through the cracks of conventional health care I strive to be a practitioner that bridges the gap and communicates with other health professionals effectively to put the pieces of your health together.


I have a special interest in treating digestive conditions such as IBS, SIBO, IBD, constipation, diarrhoea, reflux and bloating. A healthy and functional digestive system is absolutely paramount to overall health. Evaluating your digestive function allows us to identify how efficiently your body produces and absorbs vitamins and minerals, how hormones are broken down and regulated as well as your body's ability to eliminate toxins and waste products. This goes hand in hand with women's health. Often improving a clients digestion will slowly start to resolve other seemingly unrelated issues that are also going on (such as hormonal imbalances and associated symptoms). Through my clinical experience having treated a variety of conditions, I am reminded that optimal digestion is fundamental for overall health and wellbeing. 

Our Approach

Naturopathic health care focuses on the seamless interplay between all body systems and requires taking a step back to see the bigger picture. Our state of health is majorly influenced by our emotions, lifestyle, dietary and behavioural choices. We all have the capacity to alter the way we feel by making small adjustments in these areas to allow our body to self-correct and find a state of balance. 


Evidence based practice is something we are incredibly passionate about. The existing body of research and evidence to support the use of nutrients, herbal medicine, nutrition and lifestyle modifications is substantial and constantly growing. In applying evidence based health care we look beyond your symptomatic presentation to investigate how your body is functioning using specific pathology testing. These comprehensive results allow us to create an individualised treatment approach that is realistic, effective and will get you closer to feeling your best.

Our Focus

+ Gut Health

Constipation, Diarrhoea, Reflux, Bloating, Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and Multiple food sensitivities/intolerances.


+ Women's Health

Painful/heavy/irregular periods, Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), Endometriosis, Thrush, Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) and Bacterial Vaginosis (BV).

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