Parasites come in MANY shapes and sizes but the general term ‘parasite’ refers to any organism that lives in or on another organism, at the expense of the host. These organisms disrupt the normal functioning of organs and excrete toxic waste products which create a state of stress in the body, weakening the immune system.
How do you get a parasite?
It is not uncommon to acquire a parasitic infection when travelling to underdeveloped countries with poor sanitation systems. You can easily pick up parasites from consuming contaminated food/water or being bitten by infected mosquitoes. Interestingly you can also pick up parasites here in Australia. Eating undercooked animal meat may be a source of infection - especially if the livestock were raised in poor living conditions. Parasites may even come from your pet! It's very common for puppies/kittens to pick up worms or for pets who aren't regularly dewormed to be carrying them. Other sources of infection include; working/living with toddlers/young children and swimming in infested lakes/ponds.
Common symptoms of parasitic infections
Itchy bottom (worse at night), diarrhoea, vomiting, abdominal pain, nausea, constant hunger, sugar cravings, teeth grinding, persistent nutrient deficiencies (especially iron), fatigue, unexplained weight loss, itchy skin and sleep disturbances.
Parasite testing options
A limited number of common parasites may be tested through your GP via a stool test, however you will need to meet a very specific criteria to be eligible for such a test (eg. recent travel). We refer clients for mainstream blood tests (to assess for nutrient deficiencies and abnormalities) as well as offer functional pathology testing which usually includes a gut microbiome stool test (to assess for a much broader range of parasites).
What does a natural antiparasitic treatment protocol look like?
Eradicating parasites and restoring balance to the microbial population in your body can involve a variety of tools, including a temporary reduction of dietary sugars (which is the preferred fuel source for parasites). Your naturopath will provide you with detailed dietary guidelines that focus on good quality protein, loads of non-starchy vegetables and healthy fats to keep you fueled during this time. Specific antiparasitic herbal supplements, targeted nutritional supplements as well as probiotics will be prescribed to restore balance to your gut. Supplements need to be administered in a specific order and pulsed in order to address all phases of a parasite's lifecycle.
Supportive therapies for parasite infections
It is very common to notice your symptoms becoming worse (a process known as 'die off') before they get better as we begin the process of eradicating parasites. Colonics can help to clear blockages, allowing worms, parasites and unwanted bacterial overgrowth to come out if they are ready to. They can also help to clear out die off and prevent toxins from dead parasites from leaching back into the body.
Suspect you may have a parasite?
Book a free discovery phone call or to see Georgia for a naturopath appointment. Better yet, we offer a comprehensive Gut Recovery Package that includes parasite testing, naturopath appointments and colonics all in one!